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IndustrialSun, Bauhaus,Midgard,Kaiser Idell,Kandem,alte lampe,Kaiser idell,Christian dell,Jdell,industrial lamps,tischlamp,rare lamp models, Jieldé,jielde,ki e klair, Alte Kaiser Idell, Bauhaus, Bauhaus Lamp, Bauhaus light, Christian Dell, Christian Dell Lamp, Christian Dell light, Early Kaiser Idell, Idell lampe 6556, Idell Mod 6551, jdell, kaiser idell, Kaiser Idell 6551, Kaiser Idell 6556, Kaiser idell deckenlampe, kaiser idell fabriklampe, Kaiser Idell first edition, kaiser idell gelenklampe, kaiser idell industrielampe, Kaiser Idell Lamp, Kaiser Idell Lampe 6556, Kaiser idell light, Kaiser idell pendelllampe, Kaiser Idell schreibtischlampe, Kaiser Idell tischlampe, original idell, original jdell, original jdell light, Original Kaiser Idell, Original kaiser idell light, rare kaiser idell, Seltene Kaiser Idell
IndustrialSun, Bauhaus,Midgard,Kaiser Idell,Kandem,alte lampe,Kaiser idell,Christian dell,Jdell,industrial lamps,tischlamp,rare lamp models, Jieldé,jielde,ki e klair,Alte Kaiser Idell, Bauhaus, Bauhaus Lamp, Bauhaus light, Christian Dell, Christian Dell Lamp, Christian Dell light, Early Kaiser Idell, Idell lampe 6556, Idell Mod 6551, jdell, kaiser idell, Kaiser Idell 6551, Kaiser Idell 6556, Kaiser idell deckenlampe, kaiser idell fabriklampe, Kaiser Idell first edition, kaiser idell gelenklampe, kaiser idell industrielampe, Kaiser Idell Lamp, Kaiser Idell Lampe 6556, Kaiser idell light, Kaiser idell pendelllampe, Kaiser Idell schreibtischlampe, Kaiser Idell tischlampe, original idell, original jdell, original jdell light, Original Kaiser Idell, Original kaiser idell light, rare kaiser idell, Seltene Kaiser Idell


IndustrialSun is a private collection of industrial lamps, mostly from the Bauhaus period.

This collection of lamps was collected and restored over the years and for this collection to live on, we are willing to trade, buy and sell, so feel free to contact us about any exchange.
If you would like to receive more information about one or more items that you find on the site, or if you're looking for something special. IndustrialSun will be updated regularly so that you can enjoy our new acquisitions.
Our showroom is in Lisbon-Portugal, Rua Palmira Lote 33G. You are quite welcome to visit Mon - Fri by appointment.

Showroom Store



Rua Palmira, Nº 33G

1170-287 Lisbon (Portugal)

00351 964103521


Mon-Fri: 3:00pm – 7:00pm

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